📄️ Overview
Welcome to Benesphere
📄️ Tokenomics
$BENE Token
📄️ Benesphere Foundation
The Benesphere Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing essential resources and services to underserved communities. By leveraging the $BENE token, the Foundation aims to promote a circular economy, enhance transparency, and foster widespread adoption of cryptocurrency.
📄️ Ecosystem
The Benesphere ecosystem consists of various applications developed by our team and the community. Any dApp built on Benesphere is designed to support and enhance its charitable mission. You can create any type of dApp on Benesphere, from a regular SaaS to an innovative application. In other words, we provide an opportunity for people and companies around the world to choose exactly where their taxes will be allocated. Our mission is to empower people to take control of their money and remove it from the hands of corrupt leaders.
📄️ Roadmap
Development Timeline
📄️ Community and Governance
Community Engagement